I will survive.

It’s been a while since a charity campaign has come along and punched me in the gut. We are all touched in different ways these days due to the many different experiences life deals us. But this one, for me, lies close to home.

I had a dear friend who lost her life to ovarian cancer. It’s silent. Symptoms are often misdiagnosed or passed off as something else. That’s what happened to her. She thought her bloatedness was down to middle-age spread and started drinking a probiotic to help with that. It turned out it wasn’t that at all. And then it all happened rather quickly.

She was amazing. A brilliant architect. A mother. A friend. And I think about her often.

This advert was produced by quite a few creative geniuses and is simple, straight to the point and really gets the message across. Getting the message out to the younger generation about the importance of recognising, diagnosing and having treatment is all too powerful.

Vicky Jacobs, former MD of RKCR, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer six years ago. She took on its challenge and when it returned she wanted to make sure the younger generation’s odds of surviving it would increase. That’s when she asked Pip Bishop and Chris Hodgkiss to write up this idea. Kate Winslet did the voiceover and Birdy did the music. Vicky wanted something positive to come out of her diagnosis. And this is truly wonderful.

Ovarian cancer claimes the life of one woman every two hours in the UK.

Spread the word and let’s hope one day there will be a cure for this.

Donate today and support Vicky and the campaign: https://donate.ovarian.org.uk/

sharon caddie