Yoga for men (and women) in the heart of Glasgow.


Yoga for people who don't do om.

Yoga for men. Now there's a sentence you probably don't hear much or read about unless you are a man doing it already. Or thinking about it.

It's become rather fashionable of late with the likes of Ryan Giggs and Hollywood celebrities partaking in a class or two. But the guys who have discovered it at Merchant City Yoga have been doing it for years.

Last weekend saw us filming with ten of them to talk about why they do yoga and what they get out of it. Judi Farrell runs MCY and has always had men in her classes but it seems to be getting more popular and they are not afraid to talk about it either.

The guys we interviewed were from all walks of life; accountant, business coach, addiction worker and rugby player - and age, as always, is never an issue when it comes to getting down on the mat.

All of these guys had very different reasons for doing it but they all had wished they'd discovered it years ago. Many were trying to overcome injuries from the gym, sports, back problems and health issues but they generally wanted to lead a better, healthier, fitter lifestyle.

We'll be showing the results of our filming very soon. Meantime the new MCY website will be going live in the next week and you can check the classes out for yourself. 

Namastay in bed is usually my motto but I'll be heading to a class soon.

sharon caddie