Dave Trott is a genius.
The sun was out for a change.
Scotland recently had a bit of sunshine and of course we all took advantage of it. It hasn't been seen since but hey, we always live in hope. So what did I do…I sat in the sun and read some books.
One a day to be precise.
That only ever happens on holiday, with a kindle, so it was definitely a treat. And no matter what anyone says, a kindle will never replace the feeling of a book in your hands.
So…let's get back to the books I read. One of them being by Dave Trott. I almost didn't forgive myself when I realised he had a new book coming out and I hadn't preordered. That's what happens when you go awol from twitter.
Who is he? (some of you may not know *gasp*). He's a genius when it comes to advertising. A copywriter who's won more awards than you can shake a stick at, and the man behind Hello Tosh Gotta Toshiba, Aristonandonandonandon, the Cadbury Flake Hotel advert and loads more. He's an advertising legend.
His latest book One Plus One Equals Three is a collection of his creative stories that make us think. The thought process doesn't have to be complicated. That's the point. The simpler the better, with a more creative way of thinking. It means that you reach a conclusion that was a result of thinking differently. No matter what we do in life, we are always learning. It's how we learn and what we take from it that helps us move on, improve, learn a lesson or just even laugh at something that we hadn't even considered.
The short stories give brilliant advice and are not just for us creative/advertising folk. They'll help you to look at things in a different light, are full of knowledge and thought provoking snippets. Read his blog and buy his books…what are you waiting for...